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Data Drought
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.4.5″ text_font=”||||||||” text_text_color=”#818285″ header_text_align=”left” header_2_text_align=”left” header_3_text_align=”left” header_4_text_align=”left” header_2_font_size_tablet=”” header_2_font_size_phone=”20px” header_2_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” header_3_font_size_tablet=”” header_3_font_size_phone=”20px” header_3_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” text_text_align=”center”]
You received an email from us as a result of your Property Management System (PMS) not sending us the daily data required to update Rate Wise Software, which is your Revenue Management System (RMS). Without these important files, our software cannot function correctly. When we don’t receive these files, this action is known as a data drought. Issues within a PMS may cause a data outage and troubleshooting will be involved to help remedy the situation. You will receive this Data Drought email each time this error occurs.
Sometimes data is not sent due to expected circumstances such as scheduled maintenance, changes of passwords, firewall changes, seasonal closures and other circumstances. You can let Rate Wise know of these expected data outages ahead of time to avoid data alerts being sent out to you and so that we can retrieve the missing data once you are back up and running.
Expected Data Outages
If you are aware of any potential outages that will result in PMS reports not being sent, due to seasonal closure, maintenance, etc. Please notify Rate Wise by emailing [email protected] or by calling +353 1 708 8888 with details of the expected outage and the date or time frame that this will happen for.
If the data outage is not expected, please see additional instructions below and how to troubleshoot.
If after completing the troubleshooting instructions there are no changes, notify Rate Wise by emailing the support team: [email protected]
Has your Night Audit been processed as normal? Or at a normal time?
Rate Wise relies on your PMS being fully updated and receiving the latest data after your night audit has ran. If you notice your RMS has not been updated with today’s date, this could potentially be due to the night audit not being processed yet or night audit was completed later than expected. Rate Wise retrieves the reports at an agreed time each evening for every property.
In this instance please follow the below steps;
- If you know ahead of time that the night audit will be completed later than normal, please inform the Rate Wise support team and we will work with you to pull the reports after you are able to run the night audit.
- If your Night Audit was processed later than normal, after our agreed time, please inform a member of our team on the day this has occurred, and we will be happy to retrieve this data.
[email protected]
Has your night team sent on all relevant reports to Rate Wise?
In the case that your reports are emailed manually each night by your night team, please check that all reports have been sent by email (in the agreed format) to the Rate Wise team after your night audit has ran.
Is your Property Management System (PMS) or Server/PC is offline?
Another potential reason for your RMS not being updated is Rate Wise being unable to access your server or PC or PMS due to it being offline. In this case please inform Rate Wise that your PC/Server was offline, and our team can then ensure to try and retrieve the data once you are back online.
Has your IT team updated the user credentials for server/PC login, or have they updated a firewall setting restricting external data transmission?
Sometimes passwords, credentials and firewall settings are updated to ensure property data security. In the case of passwords or any settings being changed, please update Rate Wise with the new passwords or credentials, to ensure that your RMS still gets the files it requires daily.
Is your property experiencing a power outage or internet outage, causing report sending to fail?
In the situation where your property is experiencing a power or internet outage and reports are failing to send, please inform Rate Wise at your earliest convenience of the situation, please notify us also when the outage is resolved so that we can retrieve the necessary reports from your PMS.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.4.5″ header_2_font_size=”22px” header_2_text_align_tablet=”” header_2_text_align_phone=”” header_2_text_align_last_edited=”on|phone” header_2_font_size_tablet=”” header_2_font_size_phone=”25px” header_2_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” header_3_font_size_tablet=”” header_3_font_size_phone=”18px” header_3_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” header_4_font_size_tablet=”” header_4_font_size_phone=”15px” header_4_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone”]
Individual PMS Troubleshooting
A drought on Opera via OSR can happen for a variety of reasons:
- Your PMS is offline, underwent maintenance, or was upgraded
- Your Night Audit was not processed or was processed later than normal
- Your property experienced a power outage or network disruption
If none of these apply, please do the following:
Log into OPERA and open the Reports Scheduler (Login > PMS > Miscellaneous > Reports Scheduler)
Confirm that the Rate Wise Reports are still present
Look for the reports set up by Rate Wise, that are relevant to your property.
These reports are called History & Forecast, Market code Statistic and Reservation forecast;
Ensure Rate Wise email [email protected] is still listed as a recipient and try running this report manually to test if it is working.
Click the “Reports” button (to display a list of “Submitted/Completed Reports”) and email [email protected] a screenshot that shows the last time the report ran Note: if you see an error, please send the full error message, if it’s not visible in the screenshot.
If none of these situations apply, please reach out to Rate Wise for assistance. The team can assist with checking the report to ensure your data is updated.
A drought on Hotsoft can happen for a variety of reasons:
- Your PMS is offline, underwent maintenance, or was upgraded
- Your Night Audit was not processed or was processed later than normal
- Your property experienced a power outage or network disruption
If none of these situations apply, please reach out to Hotsoft for assistance. The PMS team can assist with restoring the connection. They will send to Rate Wise any data missing during the disruption.
If Hotsoft does not report a fault then please reach out to Rate Wise for further assistance: [email protected]
A drought on Amadeus PMPRO happen for a variety of reasons:
- Your property management system (PMS) is offline, underwent maintenance, or was upgraded
- Your Night Audit was not processed or was processed later than normal
- Your property experienced a power outage or network disruption
Please try extracting the Rate Wise report (Forecast Occupancy & Revenue by market segment) and if PM Pro is displaying errors when data is trying to be extracted (example below) please report error to PM Pro to resolve and inform Rate Wise of the error and when this has been rectified.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src=”https://www.rate-wise.comwp-content/uploads/2020/05/amadeus-error-message.png” alt=”amadeus error message” title_text=”amadeus error message” align=”center” _builder_version=”4.4.5″][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.4.5″ header_5_font_size_tablet=”” header_5_font_size_phone=”15px” header_5_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone”]
If none of these situations apply, please reach out to Amadeus PMPRO for assistance. The PMS team can assist with restoring the connection and send to Rate Wise any data missed during the disruption.
A drought on all other PMS can happen for a variety of reasons:
- Your property management system (PMS) is offline, underwent maintenance, or was upgraded
- Your Night Audit was not processed or was processed later than normal
- Your property experienced a power outage or network disruption
- There was some other recent change that is preventing data from reaching Rate Wise
If none of these situations apply, please message Rate Wise at [email protected] so that the issue may be escalated.
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Any questions?
[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row column_structure=”1_3,1_3,1_3″ use_custom_gutter=”on” make_equal=”on” custom_padding_last_edited=”on|phone” _builder_version=”3.26.3″ width=”90%” max_width=”90%” custom_margin=”0px||||false|false” custom_padding_tablet=”” custom_padding_phone=”0px||||false|false” use_custom_width=”on” width_unit=”off” custom_width_percent=”90%”][et_pb_column type=”1_3″ _builder_version=”3.25″ custom_padding=”|||” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_blurb title=”Find Us” use_icon=”on” font_icon=”%%122%%” content_max_width=”80%” use_icon_font_size=”on” icon_font_size=”60px” _builder_version=”3.17.6″ header_font=”||||||||” header_text_align=”center” body_font=”||||||||” body_text_align=”center” custom_margin=”50px||” custom_padding=”50px|25px|50px|25px|true|true” border_width_all=”2px” border_color_all=”#818285″]12 Lower Hatch Street
Dublin 2, Ireland[/et_pb_blurb][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_3″ _builder_version=”3.25″ custom_padding=”|||” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_blurb title=”Phone” use_icon=”on” font_icon=”%%104%%” content_max_width=”80%” use_icon_font_size=”on” icon_font_size=”60px” _builder_version=”3.17.6″ header_font=”||||||||” header_text_align=”center” body_font=”||||||||” body_text_align=”center” custom_margin=”50px||” custom_padding=”50px|25px|50px|25px|true|true” border_width_all=”2px” border_color_all=”#818285″]
All Enquiries
+353 1 708 8888
[/et_pb_blurb][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_3″ _builder_version=”3.25″ custom_padding=”|||” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_blurb title=”Email” use_icon=”on” font_icon=”%%109%%” content_max_width=”80%” use_icon_font_size=”on” icon_font_size=”60px” _builder_version=”3.17.6″ header_font=”||||||||” header_text_align=”center” body_font=”||||||||” body_text_align=”center” custom_margin=”50px||” custom_padding=”50px|25px|50px|25px|true|true” border_width_all=”2px” border_color_all=”#818285″]General: [email protected]
Support: [email protected][/et_pb_blurb][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]