Forecasting Tool

Forecasting tool

Forecasting Tool Rate Wise

Our forecasting Tool is an add-on to our Business Analytics Tool. Our tool saves hoteliers time by pre-populating all of your data into one tool for a rolling 12 month period. All you need to do is calculate the expected pickup for each month using the data we have supplied.

Our Tool automatically displays

  • Your business on the books for all future months by market segment
  • Your budget by market segment
  • Your same time last year pacing by market segment
  • Your final figures last year by market segment

Our tool will display how much availability you have left for that month by day of week and also by midweek or weekend dates, so you can estimate your corporate pickup or weekend leisure accurately.

Your forecasting data will then appear in our business analytics tool, making your reporting and analysis easy. All your data is refreshed daily and can be viewed in one place (business on the books, forecast, budget, same time last year and final figures last year)

Forecasting Tool Rate Wise Data

Find out more

Are you interested in our Forecasting Tool? Contact Rita at [email protected] to find out more.